Indoor vs. Outdoor Mini-Ramps: Which One to Choose?

Author: WA Skate Ramps  

If you're looking to build your own mini-ramp, you're likely wondering whether to place it indoors or outdoors. At WA Skate Ramps, we offer a range of options to suit both environments. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect from each option and some guidance on how to make the best choice for your needs.

Indoor Mini-Ramps

Indoor Mini Ramps

Materials & Construction: Our indoor mini-ramps are crafted from high-quality plywood and termite-treated timbers, ensuring durability and a solid smooth ride. These materials are ideal for indoor use, where weather conditions aren't a concern.

Outdoor Mini-Ramp Options: 

Standard Outdoor Mini Ramps

Standard Outdoor Mini Ramps

Materials & Construction: Our Standard Outdoor Mini Ramps are made using treated timbers & marine exterior plywoods suited for outdoor use, making them durable against the elements. They also feature galvanized & stainless steel hardware as well as two layers of durable marine plywood skate surface for added resilience.


Extreme Outdoor Mini Ramps

Extreme Outdoor Mini Ramps

Materials & Construction: Our extreme outdoor mini ramps include all the benefits of the standard outdoor ramps but are equipped with our black composite all-weather skate surface providing the ultimate durability and performance in any weather conditions.


Which Ramp to Choose?

Indoor Mini Ramp:

Standard Outdoor Mini Ramp:

Extreme Outdoor Mini Ramp:

Choosing the right  mini ramp depends on your specific needs, space availability, and budget. Whether your ramp will be indoors or outdoors, WA Skate Ramps has the perfect solution to get you rolling. Explore our range and find the mini-ramp that suits your style and environment. 

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